Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Archie Spradlin


Thought I'd post a couple pics of my DNA spawns!

(Top) Me and wife, Gayle and newest 6 month old, Aaron James
(Bottom) Kaytlin 14, Kylee 11, AJ 3, Abby 5, Colin 8
Now I've posted. Now Ant, you don't have to keep hounding me! Hello Jackie, great to remember every now and then a time when I was 50 lbs lighter. Nothing of substance going on in my end of the world (Columbus, Ohio) other than the Buckeyes AND the Warriors lost again this year! Hope to see everyone again. Last ones I ran into was Michael Gabriel about 7 years ago and Jeff Silva a little farther back. WOW! Time flies! I miss the island and the weather! I keep telling my wife, we can still be just as poor on Maui!


I hope others will take Jackie (Basco) Brown's lead and post pictures and updates here at the blog to let our classmates know what you're up to or at least what you look like. I'v been pestering Archie to post something. He has plenty of stuff to talk about. In addition to being a cop he has an enormous family and is living near Columbus, Ohio.
Keep checking in for updates.

Friday, January 11, 2008

The Full Class List

I have added a list of classmates who have not yet contacted the blog on the right side of the page below the list of people who have contacted the blog. The goal is to gradually convert names from the former category to the latter.

Please forgive any errors or omissions. I was working from a spreadsheet forwarded by Tanya Lopes, which I believe originally came from St. Anthony. There are one or two names on the spreadsheet that don't ring a bell for me but I've included them on the assumption that it is my memory that is the problem. If you see anything wrong with the list let me know and it will be corrected.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Tracking Down Lost Classmates

Now that we're up and running I would like to turn our attention to tracking down the rest of the folks from our class.

If you are in contact with anyone from our class who has not contacted the blog send me their email and I'll try to get their information and start sharing information with them. It's been great hearing from the folks who have contacted me so far. It has been good to get updates and see where people are living.

Let's keep the conversation going.


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Welcome to the new world!

Wow, I feel so tech savy! - I'm bloggin'

Thanks to T for getting us set up. Hope you all had a great New Year! Hauoli Makahiki Hou!

Here's a pic we took over the Thanksgiving Holiday. The hubby Chris Brown, my mom (June) and Dad (Gilbert) and Christian (9yrs) and the "baby" Cullen (3yrs)

Did I say I LOVE food HATE excercise? You know your getting old when you don't look fat in your high school pics anymore! Valerie Betaneli is my new IDOL ha ha ha. Look forward to getting caught up with everyone. Would love to see pics if you could share :)


Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a fun New Year's eve celebration. I'm interested to hear from everyone. If you are in contact with anyone from our class tell them to check out the blog.

If you have contacted me you should have received an email from with a link and instructions on how to begin positing to the site. Let me know if you didn't get anything or if you have any questions. I encourage everyone to add at least one post or comment on an existing post. Your posts and comments will make this an interesting site that people will return to over and over to stay in touch.
