Friday, April 11, 2008

Christine (Nunez) Breuklander

Well, hey everybody. I've never tried blogging before, so I hope that this goes through correctly. I tried putting in a photo, of the kids, hopefully that will make it. If not, I'll try again later. Not too much has been happening over the years. I married a Marine, Chad, and now have 3 kids. Zackery (3), Seth (5), and Gabrielle (2). They definitely keep us on our toes and are the main reason we have decided to not have more. We're living in Westminster, CO, which is a few minutes away from Denver. The kids are all out of school today and not letting me do a whole lot of anything, but play referee. Between the crashes, crying, yelling and barking from the dogs, I'm surprised that I have been able to type as much as I have. Hope to hear more about everybody.


Judy (Rezents) Davies said...


I know what you mean by playing referee. I can say with confidence that I am enjoying parenthood more and more as my kids grow. The struggles are still there, but it's very rewarding. Keep up the good work! Great to hear from you.


Jinnah Rose-McFadden said...

Hey Christine,

It's so fun to find out what happened to folks. I am living in Seattle. I also have 2 kids, Finn is 4 and Mathilde is 16 months. Very fun. I'm mostly a stay at home mom. I was an attorney, prior to having Finn and still do some contract work on the side. I'd love to hear from you. Email me.

- Jinnah